Health & Wellbeing

mental health week, childrens mental health, octopus candle holder

Why Practicing Gratitude is one of the Most Powerful Tools for Positive Mental Health

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week this week. Julia Watson from Oxford Family Hypnotherapy explains why practicing gratitude is one of ...

vegan beetroot steak

Review: Bill’s Veganuary

Vegan food seems to be the big thing going with people looking for healthier options.  With so much chat around Veganuary I was keen to ...

5 Ways to Stay Healthy as a Family

We all know about the importance of exercise in staying fit and healthy. While it’s not always the easiest thing to do, one way ...

Stressed on Both Sides of The Pond: How Do UK and US Stress Rates Compare?

The UK and US might be a considerable distance apart, with differing everyday cultures. But we do have one thing in common: stress! ...

Coming of Age: How Periods Are Celebrated Around the World

There are many milestones we celebrate in life and we love finding a way to mark these important occasions. Christenings, birthdays, ...

GCA Thinking of You Week and how you can get involved

From the 22nd September until the 28th Sept 2019, we will be in the midst of the Greeting Card Association’s (GCA) celebrated Thinking ...

The Wonderful Outdoors: Promoting Healthy Minds in Children

A bit of fresh air can make a world of difference in people’s sense of mental wellbeing. Developing a good relationship with the great ...

Five Focus Plan for Improving Your Child’s Wellbeing through Positive Psychology

We all want to do everything we can to enable our children to live happy, successful lives, yet for parents raising children in ...

teething symptoms, tips for baby teething

Identifying Teething Symptoms and Coping With Them

By Emma Reed – a blogger, freelance writer and self-published author from Hampshire.  A Mother to 2, Emma’s blog has flourished and she ...

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