Vitamins for healthy and strong teeth

Vitamins play essential roles in our body to keep us strong and healthy. Without these nutrients, the body won’t be able to function. Although we often only associate vitamins with overall health and well-being, they also play an active role in keeping our teeth sparkling and healthy.

supplements to prevent teeth cavity, vitamins for healthy teeth

This article discusses some vitamins and minerals, vital for dental health. Read on!

Vitamins for tooth cavities

The influence of vitamins on other body parts is no new story, but tooth health only seems to be gaining more ground. Here are some perfect vitamins for preventing tooth decay and cavities;


Calcium is one nutrient with various functions. It helps keep the teeth strong and healthy. Calcium is also known to neutralize harmful acids that can cause tooth decay and the formation of cavities.

 Good sources of calcium include dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and fortified foods such as cereals and orange juice.

Vitamin D 

It is a popular and essential vitamin. While there are various kinds of vitamin D, the most popular is vitamin D3. Its primary source is sunlight. Yet, also seen in fatty fish, egg yolks, fortified milk and cereal.

This vitamin is especially needed by those who stay indoors or during the winter and autumn when the sun is nowhere to be found. Vitamin D helps with weak bones and teeth. It is also essential for the absorption of calcium.  

Vitamin C 

One of the perks of vitamin C is its outstanding role in oral health. Vitamin C produces healthy connective tissues, which in turn makes healthy gums. This nutrient is known for its soothing healing effect, even on gums.

Without vitamin C, most gum diseases would lead to tooth loss and the formation of cavities. Poor tooth health is one of the symptoms of scurvy, a well-known vitamin C deficiency. Fruits and balanced meals are rich sources of vitamin C.

Iron also helps keep teeth healthy and strong. Vitamin C is vital for the proper absorption of iron. Hence, supplements rich in vitamin C and Iron helps prevent tooth cavities.


Phosphorus is another essential mineral famous for keeping healthy teeth. It is similar to calcium. Phosphorus makes bones and teeth stronger. It also acts as a base neutralizing harmful acids in the mouth.

Dairy products, fish, poultry, and nuts are the best source of this appealing nutrient.

Vitamin A 

Vitamin A boosts the immune system, vision, and saliva. It keeps your mucous membranes in good condition. A defect in this membrane causes dry mouth, which prevents the speedy healing of your mouth.

Consume enough fish, egg yolks, and liver. And you will have enough vitamin A to keep your gums healthy. 

Vitamin K 

It is an essential nutrient, remarkable for blood clothing. Vitamin K influences the bones in the jaw that support teeth, according to this dentist who does the best dental implants in Little Falls NJ. It helps to promote proper blood clotting, which can be important for preventing gum wounds.

A deficiency in this vitamin would result in bleeding gums and other oral health problems. The primary sources of vitamin K are leafy green vegetables, broccoli, and soybeans.

Other ways of preventing cavities

Good oral hygiene habits and balanced meals can go a long way in maintaining and preventing tooth cavities. Others include;

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss daily.
  • CDC also recommends drinking water containing fluorine.
  • Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks. 
  • Use mouthwash.
  • Visit the dentist regularly.
  • Consider dental sealants. 
  • Chew sugarless gum.


An abundance of vitamins is necessary to keep your teeth in perfect shape and steer clear of cavities. Ensure your meals are vitamin studded, and your teeth will thank you! Lastly, get your vitamin supplements from certified companies that go the extra mile to provide the best for you.

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